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Biology Online Flashcards, Study Guides, and Notes - StudyBlue

Search the largest library of online flashcards, study guides and notes for Biology - StudyBlue

Kimball's Biology Pages

career at the secondary level, teaching chemistry and biology to students at Phillips Academy, an independent school in Andover, Massachusetts. In 1969, he returned to Harvard to study immunology with the late Professor A. M.

Branches of biology - Biology-Online Dictionary

Biology, the scientific study of life, includes several relevant branches. Below Geobiology - a science that combines geology and biology to study the interactions of organisms with their environment

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Study programmes — Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích

The Faculty of Science offers remarkable modern facilities and cutting-edge research. The professional studies available focus on disciplines in biology chemistry, physics, informatics and mathematics. The study programmes also include 

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studies almost exclusively focused on whipworm species Kalema-Zikusoka et al. 2005), America (Michaud et al. and showed on their own isolates the suggested existence study of Trichuris trichiura from non-human primates and from

Papers 2016, Laboratory of Growth regulators

Vlk M, Micolova P, Urban M, Kvasnica M, Saman D, Sarek J: 15N-labelled pyrazines of triterpenic acids. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, First online: 05 October 2015, pp. 1-7 online 18 January 2016
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